Dividend Information

Dividend Policy

FFG’s basic policy for shareholder returns is to pay out stable dividends (either maintained or increased) through profit growth. Since our establishment in 2007, we have either maintained or increased dividend payouts through steady profit growth.
In the 7th Mid-Term Management Plan started in FY2022, we adopt a performance-based dividend table with a target payout ratio (consolidated) of about 35% and aim to pay stable dividends, in consideration of the balance between maintenance of soundness and growth investment.
In FY2022, we acquired our own shares for the first time. We will continue to flexibly consider acquisition of our own shares while taking into account performance trends, our capital situation, growth investment opportunities, the market environment, and so on.

Consolidated net income level Dividend per share (Reference value)
67.5 billion yen or more

Per year 130 yen -

65 - 67.5 billion yen

Per year 125 yen -

62.5 - 65 billion yen

Per year 120 yen -

60 - 62.5 billion yen

Per year 115 yen -

57.5 - 60 billion yen

Per year 110 yen -

55 - 57.5 billion yen

Per year 105 yen -

52.5 - 55 billion yen

Per year 100 yen -

50 - 52.5 billion yen

Per year 95 yen -

Below 50 billion yen Dividends with a target dividend ratio of 35%


  1. Indicates net income attributable to owners of the parent.

Dividends per common share

Dividend Payment (yen)

Dividend Payout Ratio(%)

Dividend Payment

(Note) FFG consolidated its common shares at the ratio of one new share for every five old shares on October 1,2018 as the effective date. Accordingly, dividends prior to the end of the second quarter of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 were calculated based on the assumption that the share consolidation had been carried out.