Management Strategy

Since its establishment in April 2007, the Fukuoka Financial Group has developed into a broad area-based regional financial group with an extensive network covering all of Kyushu, centering on Fukuoka, Kumamoto and Nagasaki prefectures. The Group has established a fundamental management style, including its Single Platform/Multiple Brands, and it has expanded a variety of activities contributing to development of the local economy.

As a broad area–based regional financial group, FFG has proceeded with the development of a stable regional financial system while strengthening its management base. For instance, in April 2019, management integration with the Eighteenth Bank, Ltd. was achieved, aimed at helping to revitalize the local Nagasaki economy. Meanwhile, the business environment surrounding financial institutions is expected to become increasingly severe. In addition to such structural issues as a progressively declining population, dwindling birthrate and aging society, and prolonged low interest rates, rapid advances in digital technologies look like leading to a succession of new entrants from different sectors into the financial business.

FFG views these environmental changes as great opportunities for transformation and growth. With realization of the Group’s brand slogan “To be your Bank of choice” at the heart of all its corporate activities, FFG will achieve sustainable growth by accelerating initiatives aimed at “evolution” in all aspects, including financial services, business style, human resources and organization.

Specifically, the Group sees its Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan (FY2019–FY2021) as the “2nd Phase of Evolution” aimed at realizing the Group’s long-term vision of being the “Best Regional Bank.” FFG will accelerate the structural reforms promoted during its Fifth Mid-Term Management Plan, and by committing the freed-up resources to areas of growth, and by utilizing digital technologies, the Group will give concrete form to the results of reform, such as progressively enhancing its business model. FFG will also proceed with the building of foundations for further expansion of its business areas. In addition, FFG will contribute to revitalization of the Nagasaki economy, by ensuring that management integration with the Eighteenth Bank in Nagasaki and merger of the Eighteenth Bank with the Shinwa Bank go through, and by bringing the synergy effects of integration to fruition at an early stage.

Furthermore, in order to become an organization that can continue to evolve while responding flexibly to changes in the environment, FFG will fully leverage its human resources and new digital technologies, and will act for customers beyond the bounds of finance as it strives to be a financial group that contributes to growth of its customers along with regional economic development.

Stage of Evolution

Long-term vision (goal)

The “Best Regional Bank” achieving a sustained strong competitive edge and potential for growth

The best regional financial group for all stakeholders, contributing to and developing alongside the community by providing high-quality financial services

Fundamental principle

basic policy

Achieve a virtuous cycle of “contribution to regional economic development” and “improvement of FFG corporate value,” by constantly continuing to “evolve” while anticipating changes in the business environment

Positioning of Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan

figure of stage up